Sunday, November 6, 2011

Peleset (Sea Peoples) to Hinder (More Than Help) My New Kingdom Egyptians

The Peleset were another of the Sea Poples who hassled the New Kingdom Egyptians, and eventually brought down the Hittite Empire. As with the Sherdana, they were a mix of heavy infantry with spears in a tight formation and lighter, javelin-armed light troops, used more to harass the enemy than to get to grips with him.

Historians geenrally regard these as the descendants of today's Palestinians.

(As a footnote, and not really to do with the Sea Peoples, I disagree with Plastic Toy Soldier's review of Hat's Assyrian chariots. The review said that the model is easy to fit together, but I'm having all sorts of problems. I think I will have some great-looking models they are finished, but it is definietly a model that requires patience - unless maybe you're a much better engineer than I am!)

Hopefully some pictures of the Assyrians will be ready by the end of the month. I was hoping to have a couple finished by the end of this weekend, but that just didn't happen!

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