Monday, July 6, 2009

First Ottoman Turks Painted Up

Yes, I SHOULD be concentrating on building my castle for the collector's show, but once again I find myself distracted!

I was in the mood to paint horses again so I made a start on my Ottoman Turks. The Ottomans ruled Turkey from around 1299 to 1918, and my army will be from the earliest period, possibly usable up to around 1700 (although I haven't done all the reasearch yet, so that might be a little optimistic).

These are just the command figures - standard bearer on the left, the agha of sipahis in the center, and a cavalry drummer on the right. (Once again, I still have some tidying up to do on the figures).

It should be a really colorful army when it is finished. I'm finding it difficult to research and plan though - each different unit seemed to have a vastly different organizational structure, which is really weird. I'm used to eastern armies being totally decimal (units of 10, 100, 1000 etc), which makes it all easy to figure.

Such apparent randomness is very unusual, so I must be missing something!

Anyway, my Mongols, Arabs, Teutonic Knights and early Russians are all very eager to get a piece of these guys, so there is certainly not going to be any shortage of fights for them to get stuck into.

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