The Peleset were another of the Sea Poples who hassled the New Kingdom Egyptians, and eventually brought down the Hittite Empire. As with the Sherdana, they were a mix of heavy infantry with spears in a tight formation and lighter, javelin-armed light troops, used more to harass the enemy than to get to grips with him.
Historians geenrally regard these as the descendants of today's Palestinians.
(As a footnote, and not really to do with the Sea Peoples, I disagree with Plastic Toy Soldier's review of Hat's Assyrian chariots. The review said that the model is easy to fit together, but I'm having all sorts of problems. I think I will have some great-looking models they are finished, but it is definietly a model that requires patience - unless maybe you're a much better engineer than I am!)
Hopefully some pictures of the Assyrians will be ready by the end of the month. I was hoping to have a couple finished by the end of this weekend, but that just didn't happen!